- [Research Note] “Women Running for Office Are Less Risk Averse Than Men. Evidence From Portugal,” with Miguel M. Pereira, Journal of Politics (journal link; replication materials)
- [Research Note] “Public support for democracy in the United States has declined generationally,” with Christopher Claassen, Public Opinion Quarterly (ungated journal link; replication materials)
- [Research Note] “Populist radical right rhetoric increases discrimination towards minorities: Welfare ethnocentrism and anti-Roma attitudes,” with Rui Costa-Lopes, European Journal of Political Research (journal link; replication materials)
- “Politicians support (and voters reward) intra-party reforms to promote transparency,” with Miguel M. Pereira, Susana Coroado, and Luís de Sousa, Party Politics (ungated journal link; supplemental material)
- “Populist governments, judicial independence, and public trust in the courts,” with Nuno Garoupa, Journal of European Public Policy (journal link; replication materials)
- [Research Note] “Economic forecasts and executive approval,” with Luís Aguiar-Conraria & Bruno Fernandes, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties (journal link; replication materials)
- “When corruption investigations come to nothing: A natural experiment on trust in courts,” Governance 37(1): 99-117 (ungated journal link; replication materials)
- “A scoping review on perception-based definitions and measurements of corruption,” with Gustavo Gouvêa Maciel, Luís de Sousa, Isabel R. Pinto & Felippe Clemente, Public Integrity 26 (1): 114-131 (journal link; ungated accepted manuscript)
- “Rules or legacies? Industry and political revolving doors in regulators’ careers in Portugal,” with Susana Coroado, Governance 36(3): 741-758. (journal link; replication materials)
- “Beyond the myth of legality? Framing effects and public reactions to High Court decisions in Europe,” with Jon K. Skiple, Miguel M. Pereira, Sveinung Arnesen, & Henrik L. Bentsen, Comparative Political Studies 56(10): 1537–1566 (ungated journal link; replication materials)
- “Effective government and evaluations of democracy,” with Christopher Claassen, Comparative Political Studies 55 (5): 869-894 (ungated accepted manuscript; supplementary materials; replication materials).
- “Ideological extremism, perceived party system polarization, and support for democracy,” with Mariano Torcal, European Political Science Review 14 (2): 188-205 (ungated journal link; replication materials)
- “Public trust in the European legal systems: Independence, accountability, and awareness,” with Nuno Garoupa, West European Politics 44 (3): 690-713 (journal link; ungated accepted manuscript; replication materials)
- “Judicial performance and trust in legal systems: Findings from a decade of surveys in over 20 European countries,” with Nuno Garoupa, Social Science Quarterly 101 (5): 1743-1760 (journal link; replication materials)
- “What are the best quorum rules? A laboratory investigation,” with Luís Aguiar-Conraria & Christoph A. Vanberg, Public Choice 185 (1-2): 215-231 (journal link; working paper early version).
- “New forms of mobilization, new people mobilized? Evidence from the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems,” with John H. Aldrich & Rachel K. Gibson, Party Politics 26 (5): 605-618 (journal link; UManchester repository version).
- “Are the Rich and the Poor Equally Committed to Liberal Democracy? Socioeconomic Status, Inequality, and the Political Status Quo,” with Besir Ceka, Comparative Politics 52 (3): 383-412 (journal link; pre-print version).
- “The 2019 Portuguese general elections,” with Jorge M. Fernandes, West European Politics 43 (4): 1038-1050 (journal link).
- “Transparency, Policy Outcomes, and Incumbent Support,” with Luís Aguiar-Conraria & Francisco J. Veiga, Kyklos 72 (3): 357-380 (journal link).
- “Procedural Fairness, the Economy, and Support for Political Authorities,” with Luís Aguiar-Conraria, Political Psychology 40 (1): 165-181 (journal link, working paper early version).
- “Portugal’s Leftist Government: From Sick Man to Poster Boy?,” with Jorge M. Fernandes and José Santana-Pereira, South European Society and Politics, 23 (4): 503-524 (journal link).
- “This time it’s different? Effects of the Eurovision Debate on young citizens and its consequence for EU democracy–evidence from a quasi-experiment in 24 countries,” with Jürgen Maier et al., Journal of European Public Policy 25 (4): 606-629 (journal link).
- “Judicial Behavior under Austerity: An Empirical Analysis of Behavioral Changes in the Portuguese Constitutional Court, 2002-2016,” with Susana Coroado and Nuno Garoupa, Journal of Law and Courts, 5(2): 289-311 (journal link; pre-print version).
- “A Tale of Two Elections: Information, Motivated Reasoning and the Economy in the 2011 and 2015 Portuguese Elections,” Análise Social, 52(225): 736-758 (open access journal link).
- “From ideology to performance: austerity and government defection in the 2014 European Parliament elections,” Electoral Studies, 44: 492–503.
- “Experimental evidence that quorum rules discourage turnout and promote election boycotts,” with Luís Aguiar-Conraria and Christoph A. Vanberg, Experimental Economics, 19 (4): 886–909.
- “Economic evaluations, procedural fairness, and satisfaction with democracy,” Political Research Quarterly, 69(3):522-534.
- “Government survival in semi-presidential regimes,” with Jorge M. Fernandes, European Journal of Political Research, 55(1): 61-80.
- “Portuguese Democratisation 40 Years on: Its Meaning and Enduring Legacies,” with Marina Costa Lobo and António Costa Pinto, South European Society and Politics, 21(2):163-180.
- “Sovereign debt and governance failures: Portuguese democracy and the financial crisis,” with Luís de Sousa and Luciano Amaral, American Behavioral Scientist, 58 (12): 1517-1541.
- “Introduction: Financial crisis, austerity, and electoral politics,” Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties, 24 (2): 125-133.
- “The elections of the Great Recession in Portugal: performance voting under blurred responsibility for the economy,” Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties, 24 (2): 180-202.
- “Government Effectiveness and Support for Democracy,” European Journal of Political Research, 53 (1): 77-97
- “The Nationalization of Electoral Cycles in the United States: A Wavelet Analysis,” with Luís Aguiar-Conraria and Maria Joana Soares, Public Choice, 156 (3-4): 387-408.
- “Implementing the World Mental Health Survey Initiative in Portugal — rationale, design and fieldwork procedures,” with Miguel Xavier, Helena Baptista, Jorge M Mendes, and José M Caldas de Almeida, International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 7: 19.
- “Cycles in Politics: Wavelet Analysis of Political Time-Series,” with Luís Aguiar-Conraria and Maria Joana Soares, American Journal of Political Science 56 (2): 500-518
- “Forecasting Spanish Elections“, with Luís Aguiar-Conraria and Michael S. Lewis-Beck, International Journal of Forecasting 28 (4): 769-776.
- “Foreign Direct Investment and Home Country Political Risk: The Case of Brazil“, with Sandra Aguiar, Luís Aguiar-Conraria, and Mohamed Azzim Gulamhussen. Latin American Research Review 47 (2): 144-165.
- “After the Bailout: Responsibility, Policy, and Valence in the Portuguese Legislative Election of June 2011,” South European Society and Politics 17 (2): 309-327.
- “Is the Good Polity Attainable? Measuring the Quality of Democracy,” with António Costa Pinto and Luís de Sousa, European Political Science 11 (4): 447-455.
- “A justiça constitucional: uma instituição contra as maiorias?” [Constitutional Justice: A Countermajoritarian Institution?], with António de Araújo, Análise Social 35 (154-155): 207-246.
- “O activismo judicial na Europa do Sul” [Judicial Activism in Southern Europe], with Carlo Guarnieri, Sub Judice 14: 7-14.
- “The Politics of Judicial Reform in Eastern Europe,” Comparative Politics 32 (1): 43-62.
- “Corporativismo, judicialização da política e a ‘crise da justiça’ em Portugal” [Corporatism, the judicialization of politics and the ‘crisis of the judicial system’ in Portugal,” Revista do Ministério Público 79.
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