Jovens e política, 2
Posted May 14th, 2008 at 12:33 pmNo Comments Yet
Sugestão de leitura: a página da National Foundation for Educational Research do Reino Unido sobre educação para a cidadania. É ler e comparar com o que faz por cá. Exemplo:
Citizenship at key stages 1 and 2 (Year 3-6). Unit 08: How do rules and laws affect me?
About this unit
In this unit, children learn about rules and how laws are made in a democracy. They develop their appreciation of why we need rules to protect rights and how they help us – at home, at school and in our wider communities. They discuss class and school rules and learn how to make suggestions and changes through the class or school council. They find out about the work of Parliament and MPs in creating and changing laws, and about the importance of discussion and debate. They take part in preparing and presenting arguments on topical issues. Using examples, children reflect on the variety of personal choices they can make and consider rights and responsibilities. They consider coercion and peer influence and explore the consequences of breaking the law. Children reflect on their learning and devise a poster to communicate what they have found out.
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