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Pedro Magalhães


Salvaguardando o facto de, quando questionados em sondagens, os eleitores de todos as democracias desejarem maioritariamente submeter todos os assuntos a referendos, isto não é, apesar de tudo, propriamente irrelevante:

Voters in five EU countries want treaty referendum – poll
LONDON (Thomson Financial) – A substantial majority of voters in five large European Union countries want a referendum on the bloc’s new reform treaty, according to a poll published Thursday. The Financial Times/Harris survey showed that 70 pct of respondents in Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Spain wanted a vote on the new treaty, with 20 pct saying one was not necessary, with 10 pct unsure. It comes as EU leaders are set to kick off a two-day summit in Lisbon today, where they hope to reach agreement on a final draft of the treaty, which critics allege is essentially the same as the moribund constitution, which was torpedoed in 2005 by ‘no’ votes in France and the Netherlands. According to the poll, 76 pct of Germans, 75 pct of Britons, 72 pct of Italians, 65 pct of Spaniards and 63 pct of French wanted a referendum on the treaty.

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